Certificate of Merit

What is Certificate of Merit (CM)?

CM is MTAC’s sponsored comprehensive music study program of ten levels since 1933. The goals of the CM Program are:

  • To provide a systematic and comprehensive plan to develop performance skill, technique, ear training, sight reading/singing and understanding of music theory.
  • To develop practical goals to help students maintain a steady and focused approach to their musical studies.
  • To encourage students to strive for musical excellence.
  • To create opportunities in which students may share their music with others.

Students are evaluated by qualified examiners in Theory and Performance.  Students study to earn certificates of achievement, special recognition of senior students, and performance opportunities at the State Convention. The Young Artists Guild aids those seeking professional careers.

Per MTAC, Active/Provisional/Student/CalPlan Member Teachers are eligible to enroll their students in the Certificate of Merit in October.


Teachers and students should use the current syllabi for CM 2025.
2025 CM online Enrollment opens on September 1
2025 CM online Enrollment CLOSES on September 30
2025 CM Enrollment fees MUST BE PAID by October 5 via parent/Adult student MTAC CM portal
2025 CM Enrollment application online edit CLOSES on December 15

New Certificate of Merit Syllabus update timeline

The new Certificate of Merit Syllabi for 2026 CM Evaluations will be rolled out to the teachers and students in three phases.

Phase 1 – January 2025

Repertoire lists will be released by early January 2025. New repertoire will be clearly indicated in the lists. Any new repertoire will be uploaded to the Music Library as well so students and teachers can use newly approved repertoire for the 2025 CM Evaluations in addition to the current repertoire.

Phase 2 – March 2025

All changes for technique, theory, sight reading and ear training will be called out in a document. This will allow the teachers and students time to plan for any changes that have been made to these elements of the CM program for the 2026 CM Evaluations.

Phase 3 – April 2025

The complete syllabus for each instrument will be available in the new CM Syllabi Library to be used for CM 2026 Evaluations. The new CM Syllabi Library will be hosted on the MTAC Online System and will house a syllabus for each instrument. Members and enrolled students will have complimentary access to the library.

 If you have any CM questions, please send your question(s) through your MTAC Teacher CM Portal link

State Honors

All enrolled students are automatically considered for the State Honors. They are awarded by MTAC CM State Office for students who meet the following requirements:

  1. pass both Performance Evaluation and Theory for their enrolled CM Level that year;
  2. receive a “Good” or “Excellent” rating for Technique, Sight Reading/Singing, and Repertoire;
  3. receive at least 80% or above on the Theory Test for their enrolled CM Level that year.


Senior Award

Recognition of graduating High School Senior who has fulfilled the CM requirements for the medal award. To qualify for Senior Award, the graduating high school senior student MUST:

  1. enroll in CM Evaluation at CM Level 7 or above;
  2. enroll in CM Evaluation for three (3) years during school Grades 9 through 12 (consecutive or non-consecutive years), including in their final year of high school; 
  3. pass all components of CM Evaluations (e.g. Performance and Theory) for each Level, in each of those three (3) years.

*If a student play two (2) instruments, the student MUST complete the requirements for EACH instrument. Cannot combine two (2) or more instruments for one award.


Young Artist Guild (YAG)

The Young Artist Guild is awarded upon recommendation by a panel of evaluators to the most gifted musicians in the Certificate of Merite® program. The 5-year Guild membership offers the student members semi-professional paid performance opportunities through MTAC branch-sponsored concerts.

Convention Recitals

Evaluators select students from the annual CM Performance Evaluations to perform at  MTAC’s annual State Convention.

114th Annual Convention will happen from June 28-July 1 2024, at Hilton Los Angeles Airport hotel, Los Angeles CA

Click here for more info

If you have any CM related questions, please visit your MTAC Teacher Portal or contact the MTAC CM State Office directly.

Click here for more info