Branch Recitals 2024- 2025
Branch Recitals occur monthly to provide added performance experience for all students. Applications must be submitted to the chair, Naomi Lee, no later than 10 days prior to the recital. Students should be well-prepared for public performance and are expected to observe the dress code. All Piano solo pieces are required to be performed from memory. Music scores are allowed for chamber pieces ,( i.e. duet, duos, trios, etc). All teachers have time limited to 15 minutes total. Students may perform more than one piece (at their teacher’s discretion) within this time limit per teacher. All Student performers must attend the entire program. Certificate of participation will be awarded to each performer at the end of the recital.
24 hours advanced notice is required in the event of a late cancellation. If there is no notification, there will be no refund.
All Branch Recital take place at the Church of Our Savior, 535 W Roses Rd, San Gabriel, CA 91775, unless otherwise noted. Please check with Naomi Lee for room.
!NEW! If the student participates in 4 or more recitals in the season, they will receive a gift card from Bertrand’s Music
If you have any questions, please contact Naomi Lee.